[영어 작문 2] tuesdays with morrie(모리와 함께한 화요일) 영어 독후감

Posted by sheneedsme
2015. 7. 14. 06:30 영어 관련 정보

Be The ‘Morrie’


I really like reading books. I normally read more than 100 books every year believe it or not. There’s nothing I dislike to read normally. I love historical books, economic books, novels, and even poems. The only one thing I am hesitant to read is some kind of books such as ‘How to live well’, ’50 Things can make you a better life’, ‘The ways make you happy’. Whenever I see those books in the bookstore’s bestseller section I feel uncomfortable with them and I felt that I can even write those kind of books if I am a good writer. Anybody know the way to live well. The problem is that the knowledge of well-being can’t lead the good behavior easily as the books mentioned and wanted the readers do. Few years ago, as I see the book ‘Tuesdays with Morrie’ I felt exactly same feeling. But I was wrong. The book is awesome. When I read the book by chance, I realized that my prejudice prevents me choosing a good book sometimes.


The plot is simple. Morrie, the professor who suffers from ALS, says and Mitch, the book’s narrator, writes. They discuss many kind of topics such as love, marriage, death, and forgiveness, etc. Each Tuesday Mitch learns from Morrie about “The Meaning of Life”, and how to accept death and aging. Morrie encourages Mitch to free himself from the popular cultural things.

For me, the most interesting parts of the story were the lessons of marriage and having children. I’ve been thinking of those for a quite long time seriously. I keep asking myself and sometimes somebody else these questions such as “Do I have to marry with somebody? Which woman do I have to meet and marry? Why do people have children? Would children make my life harder and harder?”. But I never got the answer. I was just confused more when somebody say yes and some say no for the exact same question. Throughout the book Morrie says yes, even though he didn’t say it strongly, I’ve almost persuaded by his opinion. I respect the way he leads the explanation about something, especially about having children. He says ‘There is no experience like having children. That’s all. There is no substitute for it. You cannot do it with a friend. You cannot do it with a lover. If you want the experience of having complete responsibility for another human being, and to learn how to love and bond in the deepest way, then you should have children’. That is what he said whenever people ask him about having children or not having children. That may influence my life. My mind about having children has been changed little bit. Not a little bit actually.

About death Morrie accept it naturally, and wants other people to do the same. The little wave must have been frightened of disappearing when it comes to the end but it’ll become a small part of the larger ocean. We must remember that. We don’t need to be worried about dying too much. It’s a natural life cycle and it happens to every living thing.

 First time I read the book, I felt some kind of jealous to Mitch who had a great teacher of life. I tried to remember a good teacher I’d learned before, I couldn’t find anyone. The blame is for me. Not them. I didn’t have a good relationship with teachers at all. I treated them as teachers, who teach the subject, only. Fortunately, I still have chances to get that good relationship. I could be somebody’s Morrie. It must happen someday.

Be the ‘Morrie’, that’s one of my mottos from now. Thank you Morrie.


'모리와 함께한 화요일'을 읽고 쓴 영어 독후감입니다. 제가 살면서 처음 읽은 영어 원서라서 더 뜻깊은 책이기도 합니다. 독서후에 짤막하게나마 영어로 남기고 싶지만, 이렇게 부족하게 적음에도 불구하고 시간이 너무 많이 들어서 자신이 없습니다. 열심히 적다보면 술술 적히는 날이 오겠지요? ...오겠지요...? 

