[영어 작문 3] 묘사하는 글쓰기, My Room.

Posted by sheneedsme
2015. 7. 16. 19:56 영어 관련 정보

My Room


My room is on the 7th floor of a building that was built in the 1990s. When you open the door, you promptly take in everything in the rectangular small space - the kitchen, the living room, and the bed room. There are only two doors, one for the entrance and the other for the the bathroom. Inside the front door there is a square space, one meter in each direction. After taking off your shoes in this marble-floored area, you can see an ardinary bathroom on the right side and the kitchen area on the left side. The kitchen has a narrow two meter high refrigerator, a microwave sized dish dryer and a microwave. The windows and the walls, at the furthermost end of the room, are coverd with a pale green curtain. The queen size and zebra patterned mattress without a frame lies beside the windows. A desk and a chair are located in the opposite corner from the bed. There ar some pieces of stationary, a pile of unsorted papers, and some books organized on the oak colored desk. The desk is just seven or eight meters from the entrance. The middle part of the room is for a gigantic television(gigantic relative to the room size) and a sofa (big enough for three people sitting together). The colossal black television accompanied by big speakers often suprises visitors, they often think that is too big for this small room. The shabby beige colored sofa is soft and comfortable. The faded white air-conditioner on the wall facing the sofa hisses all through the summer. This is the room where I've lived for three years and a half now.

제 방에 관해서 영어로 묘사해 본 글입니다. 영어로 글을 적는다는것은 정말 힘든일인것 같습니다. 그래도 포기하지 않고 꾸준히 해야겠지요? 많은 분들이 추천하시는 베껴쓰기에 도전해야겠습니다. 그럼 저는 베껴쓰기 방법들 찾아보러 가야겠습니다. 모두모두 열공, 즐공 하십시요.

